On the matter of Trayvon Martin, I know about as much as a regular person may know about the story. I know that he was walking down the street, late at night, with his hood up. He also may have been carrying skittles and some iced tea. Then a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain shot with what now appears to be no cause, but some may claim he did it out of racism. Outside of those facts, I am not very familiar with the case and investigation.
In my opinion, it sounds like the "neighborhood watch captain" did not have just cause in shooting a seventeen year old kid. Also, I believe that the police so far, have done a poor job in investigating the matter and not looking into this reaction of "self defense". In my opinion, if there are no witnesses to say you were defending yourself, or you have wounds to prove that you were indeed defending yourself, then you should be arrested for murdering someone. In addition, if you do not have any wounds yet Trayvon appeared to be coming in for an attack, than he could have fired a warning shot to show that he had a gun. I think that this event ties into the essential question of "How are we, as individuals, tied to our own past?" because maybe the "neighborhood watch captain" is racist and was once a member of a racist gang, and still hold animosity towards all groups he considers to be inferior to himself. Overall, it is a tragic story.
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