Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blog HW #1

To be honest, I do not have to strong of an opinion on most things.  There is one subject I do have an strong opinion on. It is the candidates for the Republican nominee for president for the election coming in late November.  I have not really paid attention to elections before, but this year I figure I mine as well because I will be able to vote in the election.  As I listened more and more to what these guys had to say, I figured out that this is probably the most inept crop of candidates running for the Republican nomination we have ever had run for not only the nomination, but for the president of the United States.  In my eyes, Obama might not be the favorite for some people, but he is probably the only choice against guys like Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum.  All the candidates clearly have a lack of understanding when it comes to other cultures especially the Hispanic community.  Link:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kristian-ramos/in-puerto-rico-romney and_b_1352836.html?ref=elections-2012.   Link:  http://news.yahoo.com/puerto-rico-votes-gop-candidates-battle-elsewhere-093639777.html.  This is not the only big mistake these candidates have made, these candidates have made many mistakes, and their image has significantly hurt by it.  Here is a list of their top 5.  Link :  http://tonyfischer.hubpages.com/hub/Top-5-Mistakes-Made-Republican-Party-Candidates-for-2012-Campaign.  Overall, these are the worst I have seen in my short lifetime.


  1. John you make a good point saying that all the candidates for the Republican Party have weaknesses and that they have a lack of understanding. Although Obama may not be the right choice or what most people want in office for 4 more years, he looks like the best choice at this point and I think he will win. Too bad I can't vote this election but I will be sure to get my vote in the next time around. Good post man keep up the good work!

  2. Hey John. I Agree with your points of views about the republcian candidates. It is a big problem that these candidates to not have a thorough cultural understanding, If they can not obtain one they will lack the number of votes in order to win over a nation. What's funny is I also chose to do my blog on politics. I decided to talk about which party to choose as I too will be able to vote in the upcoming elections. I would disagree that they are the "worst candidates" but maybe because you haven't been on the planet that long you haven't seen the other bad choices. I personally am a fan of Ron Paul.

  3. John, I also agree with your idea regarding the republican candidates and their difficulties. The lack of cultural understanding and knowledge can be detrimental to their role as president of the United States. I believe to get enough votes to get elected as president you must have a very broad background to gain support of the many different people throughout the United States. I'll be voting on this upcoming election also and I agree the the debates are getting spicy.
